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Small leather handbag - Practicality and minimalism. 

Convenient for both dates and walks. It is convenient to put the phone, wallet, documents. 

Very high quality, soft, pleasant to use skin. Will complement any image. 
The main department is closed with a buckle. For the strength of the product, the strap with leather crust is 4cm thick. 
The buckle and the strap are adjustable. 

The handbag can be selected in 9 different colors 100% genuine leather:
brown, black, amber (yellow), cherry, green, purple, chocolate, blue, cognac.

Size: 22 * 16 * 6 cm 

You can also create a set, a cover case for a notebook of the same skin:

Black handbags, black leather handbags, small black bag, small black handbag, handbags with price, cute handbags, guess handbags


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